Tuesday, 11 July 2017

Wildflowers 2017

One of the things I've enjoyed most about moving to Derbyshire is that I now have much easier access to the White Peak and the Derbyshire Dales. Living in Manchester and being reliant for the most part on public transport meant that the majority of my solo walking made use of the railway lines that radiate out from the city into the Dark Peak towards Sheffield and Yorkshire. Now a quite different landscape has opened up to me, some of it walkable from my home, and as a result I think I've encountered more wildflowers this past few months than I have in all of my previous hill-walking days.

This whole field (pun intended!) is quite new to me, so - even with the help of the internet generally and Twitter in particular (thank you @wildflowerhour and @BSBIbotany, plus several other individual Twitter users)* - I've still struggled to identify some of the flowers I've come across. Nonetheless, I thought it'd be nice to collect the images here, some of them extracted from trip reports but many just snapped as I've wandered around on an aimless afternoon's ramble. Due to problems taking macro pictures with my camera many of the images below have been taken with my phone but hopefully the quality is good enough to bring a modicum of pleasure or interest to those who are curious about the flora of Britain.

The flowers are roughly listed in date order - i.e. the time of year at which I encountered them.

Wood Anemone:

Monk's Dale, Derbyshire, April 2017.

Monk's Dale, Derbyshire, April 2017.

Miller's Dale, Derbyshire, April 2017.

More info: http://www.wildlifetrusts.org/species/wood-anemone


Deep Dale, Derbyshire, April 2017.

Deep Dale, Derbyshire, April 2017.

Hay Dale, Derbyshire, May 2017.

More info: http://www.wildlifetrusts.org/species/cowslip


Pennine Bridleway near Hay Dale, Derbyshire, May 2017.

Pennine Bridleway near Hay Dale, Derbyshire, May 2017.


Field south-west of Sparrowpit, Derbyshire, May 2017.

Field south-west of Sparrowpit, Derbyshire, May 2017.

More info: http://www.wildlifetrusts.org/species/cuckooflower

Early Purple Orchid:

Hay Dale, Derbyshire, May 2017

Hay Dale, Derbyshire, May 2017.

Hay Dale, Derbyshire, May 2017.

Peter Dale, Derbyshire, May 2017.

More info: http://www.naturespot.org.uk/species/early-purple-orchid

Marsh Marigold:

Monk's Dale, Derbyshire, May 2017.

Monk's Dale, Derbyshire, May 2017.

Monk's Dale, Derbyshire, May 2017.


Peter Dale, Derbyshire, May 2017.

Germander Speedwell:

Pennine Bridleway near Hay Dale, Derbyshire, May 2017.

Pennine Bridleway near Hay Dale, Derbyshire, May 2017.

More info: http://www.wildlifetrusts.org/species/germander-speedwell

Ragged Robin:

Buxton Serpentine, June 2017.

Monkey Flower:

Buxton Serpentine, June 2017.

Greater Birdsfoot Trefoil:

This is one I am not entirely sure I have identified correctly, even after comparing my picture with numerous images online.

Pennine Bridleway, north of Birch Vale Reservoir, Derbyshire, June 2017.

More info: http://www.seasonalwildflowers.com/greater-bird-s-foot-trefoil.html


Sett Valley Trail near Hayfield, Derbyshire, June 2017.

Sett Valley Trail near Hayfield, Derbyshire, June 2017.

Pennine Bridleway, north of Lantern Pike, Derbyshire, June 2017.

Pennine Bridleway, north of Lantern Pike, Derbyshire, June 2017.

More info: http://www.plantlife.org.uk/uk/discover-wild-plants-nature/plant-fungi-species/foxglove

Tufted Vetch:

Also known as Cow Vetch or Bird Vetch.

Pennine Bridleway, southern ascent of Lantern Pike, Derbyshire, June 2017.

Pennine Bridleway, north of Lantern Pike, June 2017.

Bridle-way across Bee Low, Derbyshire, July 2107.

More info: http://www.wildlifetrusts.org/species/tufted-vetch

Meadow Crane's-bill or Field Geranium:

Pennine Bridleway near Deep Dale, Derbyshire, July 2017.

Field on side of Hay Dale (non-access land), Derbyshire, July 2017.

More info: http://www.wildlifetrusts.org/species/meadow-cranes-bill

Field Scabious:

Pennine Bridleway near Hay Dale, Derbyshire, July 2017.

Pennine Bridleway near Hay Dale, Derbyshire, July 2017.

Hay Dale, Derbyshire, July 2017.

Hay Dale, Derbyshire, July 2017.

Hay Dale, Derbyshire, July 2017.

Hay Dale, Derbyshire, July 2017.

Bird's-foot Trefoil:

Many of these plants have local alternative names - I particularly like that, among other things, this small flower is sometimes known as "Granny's-Toenails". 

Hay Dale, Derbyshire, July 2017.

By-way across Bee Low, Derbyshire, July 2017.


I'm pretty sure this is meadowsweet but there's a niggling doubt in my mind because the leaves look quite full in all the online pictures I've seen whereas here there are barely any, and those are small and sparsely distributed (as well as blurred!).

Hay Dale, Derbyshire, July 2017.

Common Spotted-orchid:

Hay Dale, Derbyshire, July 2017.

Hay Dale, Derbyshire, July 2017.

Hay Dale, Derbyshire, July 2017.

More info: http://www.first-nature.com/flowers/dactylorhiza-fuchsii.php

Lady's Bedstraw:

By-way across Bee Low, Derbyshire, July 2017.

By-way across Bee Low, Derbyshire, July 2017.

With Red Clover, Batham Gate, Derbyshire, July 2017.

More info: http://www.wildlifetrusts.org/species/ladys-bedstraw

Red Clover:

Batham Gate, Derbyshire, July 2017.

Batham Gate, Derbyshire, July 2017.

Batham Gate, Derbyshire, July 2017.

Batham Gate, Derbyshire, July 2017.

More info: http://www.wildlifetrusts.org/species/red-clover



1 comment:

  1. Great post! It's so great to finally know the names of some flowers I've seen so often on our walks!
